Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Refocused - A Revived Fitness Journey

I have a confession to make, I have not been working out our eating they way that I should have been.  I am disappointed in myself, but I'm not giving up.  The most important thing you need to do when you fall down is to get back up and try again and that is what I am doing starting today!

I am renovating my lifestyle not dieting!  In order to be healthy you must think healthy and this starts with what you eat on a regular basis.  Being healthy is a mental challenge and requires you make your mind over.  So I made my mind over to make a change!

I went back to bootcamp at Fab Body Factory tonight and now I know how far off the path I have gone! So I am lacing up my Nike's and setting new goals.  Each small step forward is a victory and with the support I will receive from the wonderful group of women referred to as "TeamFabBody", I know I will succeed! Our team is led by Deanna Jefferson (a wonderful trainer) and her terrific assistant Nicole Gardner (who is a killer with the ab routines).  These ladies put together routines that are challenging but get you results and they cheer you on to make it to the end of each part of the workout.  Now that is motivational!

I am pumped and ready to go!  I know I may not be pumped to do too much moving in the morning but NO PAIN, NO GAIN!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Getting Back on Track

So the summer came and whisked my routine away quickly!  But it's time to get things back on track.  It's truly amazing to see how quickly my body reverted to storing fat once I started deviating from my exercise routine.  So I have made the commitment to myself to get things back in order starting November 1, 2011.  That being said, I have gone back to bootcamp with Deanna and I am limiting the amount of meat I eat.  I am reducing my meat intake to be 20% of my diet.  I did this successfully before and I actually loved it.  My diet consisted of lots of fruits and vegetables and seafood.  I'm really looking forward to trying out lots of vegetarian dished this fall and winter!  I recently found out my sister in law grows a ton of fresh herbs and vegetables so I'll be getting lots of fresh ingredients from her.  I can't wait until she gets her blog going about it.  Right now I have a pot of lemon basil I can't wait to try out on some salmon!  Anyway, stay tuned as I will be more active with blog entries and on YouTube with video postings and updates. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

August Quote of the Month

"We do not stop exercising because we grow old, we grow old because we stop exercising." - Dr. Kenneth Cooper

If only everyone would recognize the level of truth in this statement.  Research proves that those who take care of their bodies live a longer and healthier life.  Our bodies are vessels that need tender care.  When we don’t give it the needed care by having a poor diet and getting little or no exercise, then we aren’t caring for our vessels properly.  I am always encouraged to see reports of seniors in great shape and to meet seniors in great shape.  This always brings the reality to my mind that at my age, there is no reason I can’t work out and eat healthy.  So if you need to be motivated to start your fitness journey, then take a look at the video below and see how out of shape you are compared to this 74 year old woman.  Then use that as fuel not only to get you going, but to keep you motivated to improve your quality of life by taking care of the vessel you have been blessed with!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

July Quote of the Month

Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. -Lou Holtz

So when it comes to living a healthier lifestyle, what are you capable of doing?   The response should be anything you put your mind to. ALL of us are capable of making healthier choices regarding what we eat and devoting at least three days to exercising.  That's all it takes to improve the quality of your life!  So when you are REALLY ready to get into shape you will start the process by deciding it's time to start your own fitness journey.  Once you do that you will take all the needed steps and make ALL of the necessary adjustments to make it happen.  IT'S JUST THAT SIMPLE.  When you decide it's time you will commit to do WHATEVER it takes to achieve your goal and nothing will stand in your way.  You will have the motivation you need because you decided to JUST DO IT!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Overcome Your Fear of Failure - Get Healthy

Why are so many people afraid to commit to a healthier lifestyle?  Unfortunately, they are afraid of failure.  Is that how you feel?  Have you tried to exercise regularly and eat healthy foods only to fall short?  Most people do not like being outside of their comfort zone.  Getting in shape and committing to a healthy lifestyle is outside of most people's comfort zone; it's a risk.  But the greater risk today is not making a change.  

The BIGGEST mistake people make is setting UNREALISTIC goals.  It's better to set long-term goals and plan out short-term goals to reach the long-term goal.  For instance, setting a goal to loose 40 pounds in two months is not realistic or healthy.  If you set your goal to be 40 pounds in six months you can then convert that to a smaller goal of 6-7 pounds each month; which you can reach that goal.  Setting goals using the backwards method lessens the pressure.  Short-term goals should be achievable almost immediately!  If you can't reach it in a short time frame, then it's not realistic!

THE NUMBER ONE RULE IS YOU DON'T HAVE TO DIET!  Erase that word from your vocabulary!  Don't diet, learn to eat the right foods at the right times and in the right portions.  The key to success is changing your outlook on being healthy. When you combine healthy eating with regular exercise you get AMAZING results!  The best thing about it is that you can still eat those things you LOVE that may not be the best choices (fried chicken, double chocolate cake, oreo cookies, rocky road ice cream) but in moderation.  That means stick to the serving sides on the packages and buy your favorites in small packages when possible.  Learn how to keep the balance by rewarding yourself with a cheat meal each week!

NOW START EXERCISING!  Schedule at least three workouts each week.  No, you don't need to join a gym or workout for an hour to see results.  Start out walking for 30 minutes three times a week and increase your time then move up to jogging.  Use hand weights and ankle weights to increase your caloric burn.  Add in strength training at least two times a week.  Remember MUSCLE BURNS FAT!  So that you don't get bored, find a local bootcamp or take a class at a local municipal center.   Find a workout buddy and be each others accountability partners.  You are more likely to work out if you know you are holding someone else up from reaching their goals because you don't show up.

These are just a few tips to help you get over the hurdle of getting started.  If you would like help to get started, please contact me at mdfitchic@beachbodycoach.com.  I will help you get going with an exercise program and provide you direction to help you develop a healthy lifestyle.  Remember, this is not a fad but you want to B-Fit 4 Life!

Monday, June 20, 2011

P90X2 Is Coming in the Fall!

First there was Power 90, then there was P90X, and soon there will be P90X2! P90X2 is the sequel that will help P90X grads get even stronger, more flexible, and more ripped. This program is designed for MAXIMUM intensity and efficiency. This will also be a 90-day program but you will only work out 5 days a week! Click here and sign-up to be notified when it's available!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Loose the Muffin Top

Are you trying to get rid of stubborn belly fat?  Are you trying to get your body back after having a baby?  Are you ready to get rid of that middle-aged spread around your waistline?  Well it's time to loose that muffin top so that you can live a better and longer life!  Not only will you look better when it's gone, but you will fel better and you'll sleep better at night! 

Most women believe that just doing cardio will get rid of stubborn belly fat but MUCH MORE is needed! While 3-4 cardio sessions should be a part of your weekly exercise routine, you also need to include strength training at least twice a week. Ladies, MUSCLE BURNS FAT!  Most men feel that all they need to do is to lift weights to get in shape, but you also need to incorporate cardio into your exercise routine 3-4 times a week in 30 minute intervals as well.  And everyone needs to watch what they eat!

To loose 1 lb a week you need to burn 3,500 more calories per week than you eat.   This is the equivalent of 500 calories PER DAY.  So it would be advantageous for you to keep a food log and actually track what you are putting into your mouth.  But be sure you are eating no less than 1,200 calories per day minimum.  Also be sure to eat every 2-3 hours (3 meals and two snacks) daily, drink lots of water, and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and NO ALCOHOL.  Alcohol has a high caloric value, empty calories.  Your body also converts alcohol to body fat very easily so it's not the best choice if you're trying to lower your body fat.

So remember these tips to get you on the road to losing that muffin top:

  1. Exercise regularly
  2. Drink lots of water daily
  3. Eat five meals a day that include fruits and vegetables (every 2-3 hours)
  4. Avoid alcohol