Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Getting Back on Track

So the summer came and whisked my routine away quickly!  But it's time to get things back on track.  It's truly amazing to see how quickly my body reverted to storing fat once I started deviating from my exercise routine.  So I have made the commitment to myself to get things back in order starting November 1, 2011.  That being said, I have gone back to bootcamp with Deanna and I am limiting the amount of meat I eat.  I am reducing my meat intake to be 20% of my diet.  I did this successfully before and I actually loved it.  My diet consisted of lots of fruits and vegetables and seafood.  I'm really looking forward to trying out lots of vegetarian dished this fall and winter!  I recently found out my sister in law grows a ton of fresh herbs and vegetables so I'll be getting lots of fresh ingredients from her.  I can't wait until she gets her blog going about it.  Right now I have a pot of lemon basil I can't wait to try out on some salmon!  Anyway, stay tuned as I will be more active with blog entries and on YouTube with video postings and updates.