Sunday, May 29, 2011

Asylum Update

If you are checking back to see my results from doing Insanity Asylum then I must apologize because I have not been able to start the program.  I completed the fitness assessment on May 9 and thought I was was going to start the next day, but that did not happen.  There has been one thing after another that has required my attention so I  kept putting off my start date.  I was ready to put it off again but I committed to start May 30 or June 1st on the Facebook page for Insanity the Asylum Women.  I lead by example so I will stick to my commitment and start on June 1.  That gives me two days to get prepared and I am going to need both of them.  Be sure to check back as I will be posting videos after each of the workouts the first week but also a check in halfway through and at the end.  Stay tuned for more information!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fitness - Phase II

I am entering into the second year of my fitness journey which began May 2010!  Now that I am near my first goal of getting into shape I am ready for phase II, certification! When I started my own journey I did not like working out but the more I did it the more I liked it.  After I started to see results and started working out with trainers I grew to LOVE IT!  A few months into my own journey I decided to become a personal trainer myself but first I had to get myself into shape.  I am a firm believer in looking the part.

A year later I have lost 17 lbs and have gone from a size 12 to a size 8!  I am very proud of what I have been able to accomplish and it's been with the help of several Beachbody workouts and products.  After My husband and I completed Insanity I decided to become a fitness coach.  I am a product of their products.  I had struggled with weight loss for over a year and FINALLY I had a break through!  Now I encourage others to do the same.  There is no greater feeling than accomplishing a goal, especially a fitness goal.

So now that I am 10% away from my personal fitness goal I am ready to get certified and REALLY help others to do the same.  There are big things lined up in the near future, so be sure to check back and see how things develop!

What is Insanity; The Asylum?

Are you wondering what Insanity Asylum is?  I've gotten that question a lot since I posted the video after my fitness assessment.  Take a look at the video below to get a glimpse of what is involved in the workout.  But let me give you a synopsis of what it's all about. If you are familiar with the Insanity 60 day program then you will know many of the moves in Asylum; you also know the intensity of the workouts!  Asylum is a 30 day sports performance program that will help increase your speed, coordination, agility and power.  The six workouts in this set include the use of a jump rope, agility ladder, pull-up bar, free weights and strength bands.  So if you are ready to DIG DEEPER, then click here to order your copy today!

Monday, May 9, 2011

It's time for Insanity Asylum!

The wait is finally over, we received our new Shaun T 30 day workout and we are ready to begin.  Just  like Insanity there is a fit test and this one is a whole new ballgame!  If you've completed the Insanity program then take the challenge of completing this program.  Be sure to check back as I will be posting videos after each new workout and after the 15 day and the 30 day check-ins!  Click here to order your Insanity or Insanity Asylum dvd workout program.